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Monday, 26 November 2012

Emporer Penguin in a Christmas Cracker Hat and bad taste Christmas Jumper

My calendars have sold out! This is brilliant and slightly scary news - can't believe so many people are happy to have birds in hats on their wall all year round :)
I have a big delivery of them coming on Thursday though and am taking lots of pre orders on Etsy over here, so there is still a chance for you too to own a bird in a hat for every month of 2013.

In the meantime here is a Penguin from the Christmas card range... I wasn't going to upload any Christmas ones till December but... I have

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Mute Swans in Matching Winter Hats

Some loved up Swans for February on the Calendar. Might be 2013's Valentines Day card!

I've also added a bunch of stocking filler things to the Etsy shop, including these cute fridge magnets, of which you can get all 5 for ten pounds!

Friday, 2 November 2012

Peacock in a Scottish Bonnet

A commision I did awhile back that I haven't got round to uploading - a peacock in a scottish bonnet! 
If you fancy a commision in time for Christmas (because where are you going to find a more useful gift than a personal bird in a hat?) then send an email to, I'm getting booked up!

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Eurasian Magpie in a Witches Hat (October)

Since October's coming to a close... here's October's bird! Part of the calendar that is finally on sale over here in my shop :)

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Barn Owl in a Rain Hat (November)

So - I am off to New York for 10 days and when I return many more things will start to get added to the shop... one thing I'm very excited about is my calender, which I'm going to start posting now.
Say hello to one of my favourites, November!

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Superb Fairy Wren in a Red Beret

Have been meaning to do one of these amazing wrens for ages. So blue! Very the artist formally known as Prince...
Have been working manically on a 2013 Birds in Hats calender and the new Christmas range - both of which have been filtering onto the Birds in Hats Facebook page in their half finished forms and both of which will be posted in full in the coming months :)
I also had the most lovely time at the Renegade Craft Fair a couple of weeks ago. The awesome Ali & Jam of HelloDodo have blogged about it, as has Amy of 'Into the Treasure Box' and Kat of 'Sweet Valentine'. Check them out for a few shots of my stall, me (well, kind of) and some awesome blogs!
I will be starting a proper, and much broader blog in the next month or so and will begin chronicling the many many gems I bought, traded and put on my Christmas list....
Oh yeah and some new stockists to announce soon. Exciting!

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Toco Toucan in a Safari Hat

A cheeky one I did for fun. Over 2 years ago my second 'bird in hat' was a Vulture in a Safari hat. I ought to count how many I've done so far really. News on that in the next post (maybe)

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Bluebird in Bukowski's Wooly Hat

This is the first of three illustrations I did for The Alarmist (do follow the link and buy the first issue, it's absolutely full of brilliant words, images and surprises) going along the 'literary' bird in a hat route. Which I'm sure is a regularly followed route...

Friday, 3 August 2012

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Budgie in a Bow

So one computer meltdown later... I am back. Despite the stress, cost, inconvenience etc... it is exciting to have a new toy.. and I have a HUGE backlog of illustrations to upload and mess about with due to my week or so confined to paper and pen alone. I'm at the Backyard Market off Brick Lane, Sunday as usual drawing away and am going to start to do more Greenwich markets since my back problems seem to be on the mend. Come say hi!

I may draw this guy (the blue ridge on his nose is the give away apparently) a green lady friend - suggestions on the colour of bow welcome :)

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Common Starling in a Brown Floppy Hat

One of the more labour intensive birds... but I've been meaning to do a Starling for ages, I love them! The Superb Starling is definitely on my very long to-draw list now. (best bird name ever - google it, it's very jazzy)

I also have a June 'stall' on the brilliant Blog and Buy Sale site which, as usual, has a great selection of treats to browse through. If you head over there and give my stall a 'like' or a 'tweet' that would be lovely and very helpful.
Also remember to like my facebook page if you'd like a bit of bird and hat related friendly spam ;)

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Great Hornbill in Indiana Jones' Hat

This was a commission for someones boyfriends birthday :) email for your very own!

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Zebra Finch in a Summer Straw Boater Hat

Because London has been GLORIOUS this past week or so. Hopefully the lovely weather will continue through to the jubilee weekend because I will be in Brick Lane Backyard market this Sunday and I'll be taking part in the Rivington Street Festival, on Rivington Street in Shoreditch next Monday bank holiday. Come and say hi, have a drink, dance and a shop in a hopefully sunny east London with me! :)

Thursday, 10 May 2012

A Diamond Jubilee Garden Birds Party - and some news

Living a stones throw away from 'Royal Greenwich' (if the stone was thrown by a powerful robot) I couldn't really resist doing a little homage to the Diamond Jubilee this year. I've been very busy lately - Birds in Hats has gained a few more stockists which I'll be talking about soon - and lots of more fun products in the store. Even pocket mirrors! Due to a back injury confining me to my flat a lot more than I'm used to... there will be a lot more updates too :)

Monday, 9 April 2012

Bald Eagle in a U.S Navy Lieutenant's Cap

A commission for a lovely American chap. Email for your very own bird in hat!

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Saker Falcon in a Tennis Headband

For Wes Anderson fans... (Mordecai!)

...And lots of new fun things going up in the shop this week :)
Thanks to everyone who came to the Crafty Fox in Brixton last Sunday. it was brilliant and I can't wait till the next! I shall be in London Bridge/Borough this Saturday for the Wonderhill Market and in North Finchley on Sunday for the Mercy&Pearl Market, so stop by and say hi if you're near either!

Monday, 19 March 2012

Three Chicks in Easter Bonnets

The two on the left are talking about the one on the right...

... and pigeon tote bags now for sale on my Etsy shop :)

Friday, 2 March 2012

Bald Eagle in an FBI Cap

Another commission for a special American friend! Lots of markets in and around London towards the end of March - details to come - and some new stockists :)

Monday, 20 February 2012

Cardinal in the Ohio State College Football Helmet

For a friend in America, who is clearly a fan. (The cardinal is the official state bird of Ohio)

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Rock Pigeon in St. Edward's Crown

Just in time for the jubilee... (I'll be in Greenwich Market tomorrow if you want to come and say hi!)

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Valentines Day cards and February Sale!

Valentines Day is approaching and there are two new romantic Birds in Hats cards over in the Etsy shop! Next day delivery to make sure they get there in time AND 10% off everything in the store with the code HAPPYFEB10 as a special treat :) Lots of new birds on their way and I'll be knocking about Greenwich Market next Wednesday and the New Vintage market in Brixton next Saturday selling my wares, details to follow.
I was also interviewed by the lovely Aussie blog Spincushions a while back, which you can find here.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Monday, 23 January 2012

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Rock Pigeon in a British Police Helmet

The second pigeon of a series of four London themed birds - Hopefully ending up on postcards in the near future. Tote bags and some special Valentines day cards are underway and there are three new designs up on the Etsy shop - Valentines day discount/treat coming soon :)