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Thursday, 19 May 2011

Mountain Bluebird in a Straw Floppy Hat

So, I have finished my degree AND resisted the urge to do a mortarboard...

This means - in between the obligatory graduate job bar shifts - posts will become much more regular in the future, an Etsy shop will be set up by the end of June (so email me if there are any you would like to see immortalised in postcard form) and there may even be an exhibition in London some time in the summer! Exciting stuff.

Inspiration for the floppy hat came from over here at ASOS, and bluebirds really are that blue, though you won't find any in Britain sadly.


  1. This is one of my faves... only because I've got one of those hats!

    LOVE x

  2. Oh this is lovely!! Very summery looking bird :)

  3. one of my favourites yet! congrats on finishing college :D

  4. I love it! The bluebird is wearing my gardening hat.

    Congrats on the degree. Looking forward to more birds.

  5. Tehe, I love all your birds in hats :) They are awesome!

  6. This means - in between the obligatory graduate job bar shifts - posts will become much more regular in the future, an Etsy shop will be set up ...
