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Monday 14 December 2009

Emperor Penguin in a Fez

I've been away writing essays for my degree and earning just enough money to live, but I'm back on track now doing what really matters. This is a christmas present for my dear friend Jilly and the first in a big line up of birds in hats for the christmas holidays...


  1. This is the best thing in the world!!! And it has made my day!!!! Although that doesn't say much!!! I am very very bored!| Love you, come 2 Havers soon mwah mwah mwah!!! PRESSURE FOR MY ARTISTIC PRESENT!!! X X X X X X

  2. I have been in the Antarctica, the guide of the tour named kamagra said us the this kind of penguins are the most important in the world!

  3. Birds In Hats.: Emperor Penguin In A Fez >>>>> Download Now

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    Birds In Hats.: Emperor Penguin In A Fez >>>>> Download Full

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